
Since 2016, a new crime series has been produced for German TV, and the best thing is: Görlitz can finally represent itself! The two quite different characters, police inspectors Viola Delbrück (Yvonne Catterfeld) and Burkhard Schulz (Götz Schubert), meet each other in Görlitz and solve tricky crime mysteries. With “Ewig Dein“ (2016), “Tief im Wald“ (2016), “Der steinerne Gast“ (2018), “Irrlichter“ (2018), “Das heilige Grab“ (filmed in 2019), "Heimsuchung" (2019), “Kein Entkommen” (2019), "Das Kind am Finstertor“ (2020), "Böses Blut" (2021) and "Die traurigen Schwestern" (2021), ten parts were produced within a short time. The first ten parts were well received by the audience. The eleventh and twelfth part will be broadcasted in 2022.

Producer Jutta Müller about the choice of the film location Görlitz: “We were looking for a more rural location, not a big city, our screenplay writers know the region well.“ And so, naturally, there is a lot to see of Görlitz and its surroundings in the film. 


Not only is it that the two police inspectors have their individual secrets, but the town and the whole region do as well. Hereby, the German-Polish border region plays an important role.

Director Tim Trageser about the role of Görlitz and its surroundings: “Görlitz is the perfect breeding ground for secrets […]. First, it is Butsch’s territory. For Viola, who is new in town coming from Hamburg, not only Butsch is a secret, but the whole place, which she does not know yet. Of course, this is a story, which can be told anywhere, but Görlitz covers an architectural history of 500 years. Buildings from the late Gothic, from Renaissance, Baroque and Art Nouveau are all here packed in one place. You cannot find this in any other city. And, the more you have, the more is hidden.“

Filming locations

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Götz Schubert, Yvonne Catterfeld, Jan Dose,Stephan Grossmann, Johannes Zirne, Christian Kuchenbuch, Franziska Junge, Sabine Vitua, Steffen Münster und Berit Künnecke


Yvonne Catterfeld nominated to be the Best TV Actress in 2017 and 2020, Jupiter Award

Franziska Meletzky

Jutta Müller

Type of production
tv - Produktion


Detective film


Shooting period
22. Januar bis 20. Februar 2019