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House of Promises

House of Promises

Torstraße 1 von Sybil Volks (Original title)

The filming team for the series "House of Promises" spent almost three months in Görlitz. They filmed at various locations in Görlitz, e.g. the Berlin Scheunenviertel was recreated in Weberstraße. The main filming location was the Görlitz department store, which was transformed into the Jonass department store for the series. A "marble" floor was designed especially for "House of Promises", which was stuck onto the original floor in the form of a real-looking adhesive foil. 

"House of Promises" is set in Berlin in the late 1920s - a roaring time between upheaval and unbridled lust for life, but also full of dramatic, political events and touching human fates. At the centre of the events: the former Jonass department store at what is now Torstraße 1.

The premiere took place on 27 June 2022 at the Munich Film Festival. The first season will be shown on RTL+ from 18 September 2022, with free-TV broadcasting on RTL planned for the end of the year. The film was directed by Sherry Hormann and Umut Dag. The scripts were written by head writer Conni Lubek and authors Holger Joos, Silja Clemens and Carola Lowitz.

(c) Pawel Sosnowski
Entry in the golden book
(c) Vicky Harry
(c) X Filme Creative Pool
(c) Europastadt GmbH
(c) Europastadt GmbH
(c) RTL / X Filme Creative Pool / Stefan Erhard
(c) RTL / X Filme Creative Pool / Stefan Erhard


Berlin in the 1920s. Driven by the desire for democracy and prosperity, the Jewish merchant Arthur Grünberg sets up his credit department stores' Jonass in the middle of Berlin's impoverished barn district. Vicky Maler finds employment there - a young woman from the countryside who has just moved to the city to build a better life for herself. In the microcosm between Torstraße and Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Vicky meets the young musician Harry. The two become lovers who are driven apart again and again by inner obstacles, class distinctions and not least by the events of German history, but who also always find each other again - across several decades of a strongly turbulent century.

Trailer: Die historische Event-Serie "Das Haus der Träume"

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Die späten 1920er Jahre. Berlin schillert und strahlt im Aufschwung und gleichzeitig strotzt es nur so vor Dreck und Armut. Mittendrin das erste Kreditkaufhaus Deutschlands, das Kaufhaus Jonass, "Das Haus der Träume". Ab dem 18. September 2022 zieht die historische Event-Serie die RTL+ Streamer:innen in den Sog dieser bewegenden Zeit zwischen Wünsche, Hoffnungen und Ängste der Hauptfiguren. Und stellt dabei unweigerlich die Frage: Wovon träumst du?
Newcomerin Naemi Florez, Ludwig Simon sowie Nina Kunzendorf, Alexander Scheer und Samuel Finzi erwecken diese rauschende Zeit zwischen unbändiger Lebensgier und berührender Schicksale als Hauptdarsteller:innen zum Leben.

Filming locations

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Nina Kunzendorf, Valery Tscheplanowa, Alexander Scheer, Samuel Finzi, Ludwig Simon und Elsie Schön sowie die Nachwuchstalente Naemi Feitisch und Amy Benkenstein


Winner in the "MIP Drama" competition at the Cannes Television Fair.

Sherry Hormann, Umut Dag

Stefan Arndt / X Filme Creative Pool

Type of production
tv - Produktion


Historical film


Shooting period
08/09/11 2021