The most beautiful city in Germany?
Probably the greatest treasure of the European City of Görlitz/Zgorzelec is its architectural wealth. In Görlitz alone, almost 4,000 architectural monuments from 500 years of European architectural history can be experienced. Most of them have been extensively renovated, and you can find buildings from a wide variety of epochs here - from Gothic and Renaissance to the Gründerzeit and Art Nouveau. Professor Gottfried Kiesow, the former president of the German Foundation for Monument Protection, called Görlitz the most beautiful city in Germany - visit Görlitz and you will undoubtedly agree with him ...
Monuments & Buildings
Time for a walk through the architectural history. Visitors are especially fascinated by the houses in the Old Town with their richly decorated facades, elaborate vaults and painted ceilings from different periods of time. Nowhere else in Germany, but here, in the city on the Neisse River, you would find such a high concentration of carefully restored monuments of architecture.
read moreThe Görlitz Hall Houses
At the turn from the late Middle Ages to early modern times, an extraordinary type of town house started to develop in Görlitz – the so-called “Görlitz Hall Houses”. Owned by long-distant merchants, they were used as residences and private breweries, and at the same time, they served as trade and fair venues as well.
read moreTowers & Fortifications
Görlitz is a city of towers. Most of these towers used to be parts of the city fortification, and offer an impressive view even today. Fife of them are open to the public, and some of them invite you for a guided tour. It is a great experience to see the city from above, you can watch for hours, still discovering something new: small lanes, prominent buildings, or hidden backyards.
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"Monuments & Buildings" and "Towers & Fortifications": Europastadt GmbH, "The Görlitz Hall Houses": Ulrich Schwarz