Qualified Specialists and Companies Come Together in Görlitz!
Numerous training centers give students the opportunity to start their professional careers locally and continue them in successful companies. Qualified specialists find exciting challenges in very different industries in local companies. The economic development team at Europastadt GörlitzZgorzelec GmbH has several projects that open doors for skilled workers and thus connect job seekers with companies – for example, on the “late shift”.
Job portal Upper Lusatia
You find the regional job portal on www.jobs-oberlausitz.de
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Job with prospects – Skilled workers' exchange at the Old Town Festival
Finding a suitable job back home in the middle of the Old Town Festival? The skilled worker exchange "Welcome home" on Saturday, August 26, makes it possible.
Take part
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Home visitors, returnees but also all other guests of the Görlitz Old Town Festival can inform themselves in the town hall about current job offers and exchange information with representatives of the companies in a casual atmosphere - without tie and collar. More than 20 regional companies from various industries are available on this day for questions and personal conversations - a unique opportunity!
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Late Shift – A Look at the Companies
Once a year, some companies in the Görlitz area and Weißwasser/O.L., in Zittau and Ebersbach-Neugersdorf open their doors on Friday afternoon for the “late shift”, allowing anyone who is interested to get to know the local companies during factory tours, demonstrations and personal discussions. This event takes place annually in November and is organized by the business development team. Dates and participating companies will be announced in good time.
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Krankenhausakademie: for the next generation of nursing professionals
The Krankenhausakademie in the Görlitz district offers 280 training places and is jointly sponsored by the Städtisches Klinikum Görlitz and the Klinikum Oberlausitzer Bergland. It was launched in September 2018 as the central medical vocational school for the district of Görlitz and trains students in health and nursing.
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Dedicated teachers impart extensive theoretical knowledge in health and (pediatric) nursing. The theoretical and practical training includes lessons in twelve job-related subject areas and some cross-professional subjects (e.g. German, English). Due to the close connection to the training clinics and the very good cooperation with various practice facilities, the students receive practical and future-oriented training. The three-year training gives graduates regionally and nationally good opportunities on the labor market. They can work in hospitals, outpatient and inpatient care or rehabilitation facilities. In August 2020, for example, the Klinikum Görlitz hired 33 of the year’s 63 graduates with a permanent contract.
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Upper Lusatian Career Days
The Oberlausitzer Karrieretage (Upper Lusatian Career Days) offer companies in the region a platform to present themselves and their job vacancies to interested specialists. For professionals looking for a new challenge, this event is a very good opportunity to get to know companies and to talk to personnel decision-makers. Training companies also present themselves with their vacant training positions.
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The Oberlausitzer Karrieretage are particularly relevant for:
- Graduates from general education schools (especially for training and study)
- Graduates from colleges and universities (high potentials)
- Career starters and professionals
- Job seekers and those willing to change
- Commuters and returnees
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INSIDER Training Fair
Business, politics, administration and schools in the Görlitz district have joined forces to jointly support the securing of skilled workers. With the INSIDER project, schoolchildren throughout the Görlitz district are informed about local training opportunities – in the training atlas and a central training fair (online and on site in Löbau).
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Academic Education
The Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and four other academic institutions offer practical and innovative courses in Görlitz and Zittau. Further universities can be found with a radius of 100 km.
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University of Zittau/Görlitz
Almost 4,000 students are enrolled in practical and innovative courses. The departments include Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Management and Cultural Sciences, Mechanical Engineering, Natural and Environmental Sciences. The state-of-the-art equipment and intensive support in a familial atmosphere enable the students to study efficiently and practically in connection with intensive contacts with regional, national and international companies.
Research and development activities with a focus on energy and the environment as well as transformation processes round off the profile of the university. Practical relevance is conveyed in particular with the cooperative courses with integrated vocational training (KIA). In close collaboration with over 100 cooperative companies and training institutions, the students can be trained at the same time, for example as a graduate engineer and mechatronics technician. Everyone benefits from this: universities, students and companies who establish close ties with their potential employees at an early stage. The postgraduate course enables in-service training at an academic level.
International Institute Zittau IHI
Central Scientific Institution of TU Dresden – With the International Institute (IHI Zittau), the region has a branch of Dresden’s “University of Excellence”. Only master’s courses on the subject of “Biodiversität und verantwortungsvolles, nachhaltiges Management” are offered here.
Cooperation Between Senckenberg Görlitz and TU Dresden/IHI Zittau
Two globally unique, English-language courses for an international audience are offered through the cooperation of the Senckenberg Natural History Museum in Görlitz, a scientific institution of the Senckenberg Society in the Leibniz Association, with the IHI Zittau and TU Dresden at the study locations Görlitz and Zittau: “Biodiversity & Collection Management” and “Ecosystem Services”.
Sächsische Verwaltungs-und Wirtschafts-Akademie
The Saxon Administration and Economic Academy offers a part-time diploma course (VWA) in the fields of business or administration in Görlitz. Practical for achieving a degree alongside the job, economic and legal content, strategic skills and social skills are conveyed. In the team of the study group and lecturers, students acquire know-how that they can use directly in everyday professional life. Taking into account the achievements of the VWA diploma, the acquisition of the academic degree Bachelor of Science at the TU Chemnitz can be a further goal for the graduates.
Other universities in the area:
- Technical University of Liberec (CZ), approx. 5,000 students – 60 km to the website
- Dresden University of Technology, approx. 37,000 students – 100 km to the website
- Witelon University of Applied Sciences in Legnica (PL) approx. 6,000 students – 100 km
- BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, approx. 9,000 students
- Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (PL) approx. 33,000 students – 170 km
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Photos: Qualified employees: Goerlitzer_Hanf_und_Drahtseilerei, Educational establishment: Hochschule Zittau/Goerlitz