Europastadt GörlitzZgorzelec GmbH
Europastadt GmbH was founded in 2007 as a 100% company of the city of Görlitz. Its aim is to stabilise and strengthen Görlitz as a business location. With the deliberate unification of the three interlocking departments of location marketing, business development and tourism management, the company shapes integrated location marketing under one roof, which stands for efficient use of resources and numerous synergy effects. The company's mission is to make the city better known to investors, skilled workers, tourists and students and to anchor the positive brand values in the minds of its target groups.
15 highly qualified employees work in lean hierarchies with a high degree of customer orientation and above-average success for service-oriented entrepreneurial support and job-creating direct investments, the further growth of the tourist economy and the positive external perception of Görlitz.
Since its inception, Europastadt GmbH has contributed to the success story of the city of Görlitz with positive results in a committed and goal-oriented manner. With its work, it supported a growth in commercial overnight stays of almost 60 % between 2007 and 2015 and was involved in the creation of more than 2,800 new jobs through the acquisition and support of numerous company settlements and expansions.

Europastadt GörlitzZgorzelec GmbH
Fleischerstraße 19
02826 Görlitz
Tel.: +49 3581 4757-0
Fax: +49 3581 4757-47
Eva Wittig
Managing Director
Telefon: +49 (0)3581 4757-41