Experience Görlitz


Welcome to Görlitz!

Come and visit Görlitz, experience eventful days in the most eastern patch of Germany. The Europastadt GörlitzZgorzelec Ltd. and Görlitz Information Centre will be glad to assist you with comprehensive service when planning your travel arrangements and preparing your stay.

Görlitz Information Centre and Tourist Service

Come in and find out any necessary tourist and travel information about Görlitz; accommodation service, city tours, souvenirs, tickets – all from a single source!

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Information Material

Please have a look at our information material online, you can download PDF files or order the material.

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With "PLAN B" via Görlitz

The online map of the city "Plan B" is suitable for both Görlitz residents and tourists who want to get off the beaten track. Everyone will find new directions and unique places here. Alternative city plan from Kühlhaus Görlitz e.V. it also shows where young clubs and Görlitz initiatives are located.

Directly on the city map

Arrival to Görlitz

Find your way to Görlitz. Here we provide further information regarding your arrival by train, bus, bike, car, plane or caravan. And within the city you are also mobile using differnt ways of transportation.

Continue reading Mobility in Görlitz

Görlitz barrier-free

An impressive cityscape, winding alleys and the special atmosphere of the European City - Görlitz wants to be explored individually. To make this possible for all target groups, the city offers various barrier-free tourist facilities, restaurants and hotels.

Further information

Picture sources:
"Görlitz Information Centre Tourist Service" and "Arrival": Europastadt GmbH, "Information Material": Paul Glaser, "Görlitz barriere-frei": nullplus@AdobeStock

© Paul Glaser